What is the ideal home temperature?

You’ve heard everything from 68 degrees to 80 degrees – but what’s the actual best temperature to keep your home at?

Ideal temperatures vary between geographic locations, but here in Tennessee, the hot, humid summers mean we keep our AC on low temperatures. This isn’t always the most energy-efficient option, though, and it can shorten the life of your HVAC unit.

The warmer, the better

According to the Department of Energy, it’s best to program your thermostat to be as warm as possible, both when you’re home and away. Some reports recommend setting your thermostat at 78 degrees, but this doesn’t account for local humidity.

Why the high temperature?

The warmer it is inside your home, the slower the flow of heat into your home, which saves both your HVAC unit from overworking and your bank account from skyrocketing. This is the same idea as keeping your home cooler in the winter – the lower the temperature in your home, the slower the heat loss.

What can I do to keep cool?

The Department of Energy has several tips, including:

●      Clean or replace filters once a month, or as recommended by your HVAC technician or the filter manufacturer

●      Turn off exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen within 20 minutes of finished use

●      Keep your windows covered during the day, and invest in energy efficient windows when possible

●      Open interior doors at night to increase airflow

●      Invest in cooling mattresses, pillows, and sheets

●      Use your ceiling fans

For more information about best practices for you HVAC unit, check out our blog or reach out to your technician today!


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