4 Indoor Tips for Fluctuating Outdoor Temps

Living in Tennessee means dealing with multiple seasons, temperatures, and weather conditions all in one day. Trying to change the thermostat regularly can be hard on the HVAC system as well as your utility bill, but with a few pro tips you’ll be prepared for anything the weatherman throws at you.

Get smart!

The easiest way to regulate your home’s temperature when nature goes haywire is to install a smart thermostat. While these have a greater cost up front than a standard thermostat, the energy savings over time will more than make up for the difference.

Smart thermostats allow you to set a certain temperature at night, during the day, and when you’re not home. You can also schedule vacation time or change the temperature using your smartphone.

Open the curtains

For any part of your home that faces west or south, you can use natural heat from the sun to help your HVAC regulate your home’s temperature. For extremely warm days, be sure to close the blinds and curtains to keep cold air in.

Save the heat

If you know you won’t be using a certain room in your home, close the vent. This keeps the HVAC from overworking, especially in parts of the home you don’t plan on enjoying. Remember to open the vents periodically to ensure air is still flowing through the system, though.

Plan maintenance

Keeping your HVAC system up-to-date, clean, and maintained by a professional at McCoy’s will allow you to easily adjust your temperature in response to mother nature. An HVAC technician will be able to tell you what problems may arise and how to best insulate your home to keep warm and cold air in.


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