4 Myths Debunked

source credit: Deposit Photos

source credit: Deposit Photos

Maintaining your HVAC system is an important part of insulating an efficient home. Between regularly scheduled maintenance, updating windows and roofs as needed, and changing your air filter regularly, you may think all of the bases are covered to maintain your system and increase efficiency on your electric bill. There’s more than meets the eye with HVAC, though. Here are four commonly misunderstood myths, and how you can begin debunking them:

MYTH: It’s more efficient to keep my thermostat at the same temperature all day, every day.

The invention of smart or programmable thermostats debunks this right away! Consider setting your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and higher in the summer when you are asleep or away from the house. In the winter, open drapes and blinds to let sunlight naturally warm your home. Similarly, close them at night to keep heat or air conditioning in, as drapes are generally created for insulation.

You may also consider investing in a thermostat that operates at a variable speed – many HVAC systems operate at 100%, so when they’re on, they are using the maximum amount of energy to heat or cool. A variable-speed will allow reduced costs on your electric bill but may take a little longer to heat or cool.

MYTH: It doesn’t matter where your thermostat is in your home.

Placement is a very important factor when it comes to your thermostat. Never place the thermostat:

  • On an exterior wall

  • In direct sunlight

  • Near other appliances

  • Near windows

  • In areas with plumbing

Any of these, or combination thereof, could alter the efficiency of your thermostat as it will pick up on any heat or air changes. Instead, consider putting your thermostat in the room you spend the most time in, or one that is most reflective of how your home should feel.

MYTH: Using heaters, A/C window units, and fans to be less reliant on my HVAC system will lower my energy bill.

Personal heaters and fans can be efficient for single- or infrequent use, but if they are being used in conjunction with an HVAC system, your energy bill will actually be less efficient. 

If you recently purchased a window unit because a room in your home just doesn’t get warm or cool like it used to, it may be a sign of something more serious that would require a technician. Either way, using a window unit in combination with an HVAC system will greatly increase your energy bill.

And did you know fans don’t actually cool or heat rooms at all? They rely on the “wind-chill factor,” which makes you feel cooler or warmer without contributing to temperature change.

Use fans and personal heaters only as needed, and be sure to turn them off when leaving the area.

MYTH: Getting a bigger HVAC system will cool and heat my home more easily.

Oversized or undersized HVAC systems can greatly increase the number of issues and the size of your energy bill. Talk to your HVAC technician and research the right size for your home. Oversized systems may increase humidity due to frequent on-off cycles, and improper sizing can lead to the system cutting off prematurely. Consider exploring variable-speed equipment that will heat and cool your home like you want and provide you with a lower energy bill.

A technician will measure your home, consider duct work, insulation, and other factors, and provide you with a system that is perfect for your home.

With these four myths debunked, many questions have been answered, but you may have even more. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our technicians today at (731) 668-7492 or visit us online at airmccoy.com. Your HVAC system is important, and we want to make sure your home is the most efficient it can be.


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