Common Winter HVAC Problems (and How to Fix Them)

Baby, it’s cold outside, but the heat sure does help! Firing up your furnace or switching on your central heating can be a comfort as the cold rolls in. But expecting the heating unit to always run smoothly isn’t realistic, and sometimes catching issues before they get too bad can save you money and time in the long run.

Check out the most common winter issues for central heating units, and learn what you can do to fix them.

Problem: Short cycling

You probably can pinpoint the exact moment your heat cuts on and off based on the sound. This is totally normal, and is referred to as short cycling. It allows the unit to heat your home efficiently, but if you notice the heat cutting off and on more than usual, there may be a problem.


Solution: The most common cause for this is a clogged system. Replace your air filters and ensure the thermostat is working properly before reaching out to your HVAC technician.


Problem: Inefficient heating

If you’ve noticed that part of your home isn’t receiving heat or if your home overall doesn’t feel as warm as it should, there may be dirt built up in your system or your pilot light may have gone out.


Solution: For those with pilot lights, feel free to safely relight the pilot light. Ensure you replace the air filter, and check to make sure the thermostat is working properly, replacing batteries if necessary.


Problem: Bizarre noises

Again, you’re likely familiar with what your system sounds like on a regular basis. If you notice bangs, scrapes, or squeals, there is likely something mechanical wrong with your unit.


Solution: Try to turn off your thermostat, plug in some heaters, and call McCoy’s as soon as possible to send out a technician. Because these noises are associated with mechanical issues, the sooner you can identify the issue, the less damage your system is likely to endure.


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