5 common spring HVAC problems (and how to fix them)

With the change in seasons comes a change in needs from your central heating and air. Having your unit regularly inspected and maintained, changing your air filters, and being proactive about taking care of your system can help elongate the unit’s life and protect your wallet. Below, we note the five most common HVAC problems people notice as spring abounds.

Dirty filter

If you have a seasonal filter, or one that only needs to be changed every couple of months, you may notice it’s dirtier than normal. The new season is a great time to replace your filter, which keeps the air in your home fresh and clear of allergens while also protecting your HVAC system.


It’s also possible the filter you’re using isn’t working like it should. Feel free to reach out to us today so that we can recommend an air filter perfect for your unit.

Dirty coil

The evaporator coil in your HVAC system absorbs heat from the air in your home, then works with the condenser coil to produce cool air through condensation. When your air filter is too clogged, or needs to be replaced, dirt will build up on the coils.


Dirty coils can lead to increased energy usage — meaning a higher electric bill for you — as well as other malfunctions in the unit.


Be sure to change your filter regularly to prevent multiple issues, including dirty coils.

Debris outside

Throughout the fall season, leaves, twigs, and other debris can make their way into your AC unit. Carefully look at the unit to see if anything is on top of or around it. Dents, scratches, or other seemingly cosmetic issues can also affect the unit’s performance.

Clean the area around the unit and be sure to give us a call if you notice anything that could be affecting your HVAC from running as smoothly as possible.

Clogged condensate drain

The condensate drain work with the previously mentioned evaporator coils to push out moisture from humidity that builds up in the heating and cooling processes. As we’ve mentioned before, dirt and dust can build up in the system and be carried to multiple areas it shouldn’t be – including the condensate drain.

The debris your air filter is supposed to catch may become lodged in the condensate drain, preventing it from working properly. You may notice a pool of water, or your thermostat could stop working.

To prevent clogs from happening, ask your technician about the best air filter for your system and be sure to change it regularly.

Higher electric bill

Because HVAC systems are complex units with many parts, failure to have them routinely checked can lead to long-term financial hardship. If you notice higher-than-usual electricity bills, it may be an indication that one of the parts of your HVAC unit needs to be serviced or replaced.

Be sure to have a technician inspect your HVAC twice a year (typically in the fall and spring) to prevent any major issues. If you’re already noticing issues, call McCoy’s today to see how we can help make your home more comfortable!


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